“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15


The Calvary Chapel Tech Ministry exists to connect the message of the gospel with our congregation and with the lost through both visual and audio means.


Character. Who we are before God far outweighs what we could ever do for him. God is more concerned with the servant than the service. It has been said that “character is what a man is in the dark.” Our character matters to God. Our hearts and lives must proclaim godliness, purity, integrity and holiness outside of Sunday and Wednesday.

Excellence. God has given each one of us a gift. It is important to understand that God does not accept our worship on the basis of our gifts. However, our lack of skill can be distracting to the congregation we are here to serve. God values skill, and we must do our part to sharpen the gifts God has given to us.

Growth. The Christian life is all about our growth. We must be continually growing in our walks with Christ, our gifts, and our love for one another. We do this by being teachable, stretched, and flexible to whatever the Lord would have for His ministry.



Being entrusted to lead God’s people to His presence in worship is such a wonderful privilege. For those of us who have been called to do so, the Bibles says we must be found faithful. For this reason the Calvary Downey Tech Ministry requires that all servants must be actively involved in Calvary Chapel Downey by regular attendance for at least six months in order to serve.


Thank you for your interest in serving in the Tech Ministry here at Calvary Chapel Downey. Serving others is a wonderful way to use your gifts and talents for the glory of God. We are thankful for those who come along side of us in meeting the needs of the body that God has called us. May your service be joyful and rewarding as you answer the call God has upon your life.


There are many areas where your gifts can be used. Areas of opportunity include:

  • Audio Engineer

  • Lighting and Lyric Slides

  • Video and Camera Operator

  • Stage Hands

  • More

Be open to where the Lord would have you to grow and serve with His people. Opportunities available to serve include Sunday morning, Wednesday evening, Sunday Nights, Youth, Young Adults, Children’s and much more. We are looking forward to serving with you!