Mark Maciel
Mark Maciel has been a Chaplain with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for the 20 years. For 18 of those years, Mark served as an Administrator for Religious and Volunteers Services and seven years with Los County Probation as Supervisory Chaplain. Today, Mark is a motivational speaker throughout the correctional system and travels with the Bill Glass Ministry Team as a platform speaker. For the past 30 plus years, Mark has also served as an Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel Downey and had oversees the prison ministry and now Second Chance Recovery, Alcohol, Drug Addiction Ministry.
Mark began his ministry in 1981 with Calvary Chapel Downey. He has worked with many different churches to help organize their own prison ministries. Mark Maciel has traveled throughout the United States teaching, training, and evangelizing in prisons. Mark is a Board Member Christian Chaplain Services / Prison Ministry of America and Serves as a Board of Directors with Dr. Browning’s Biblical Christian Counseling Foundation. Mark also lectures at Calvary Chapel Bible College Downey Extension and Pepperdine University.
Mark is happily married to his wife Patricia (37 years), who ministers with him and prayerfully supports him as they raise their two daughters – Tricia and Hannah.
Today Mark is the Present and the Chairman and Executive Director at Prison Ministry of America. Mark holds two Masters one in Counseling and the other in Theology and a Doctorate in Theology from Bethany Theo. Seminary.
Mark is also known as an author and publisher of (15) books and has complied books such as “Daily Devotions with Your Calvary Chapel Pastors” and “31 Days Devotional with Calvary Chapel Downey Pastors’ Wives,” and “The Seeker.” “Daily Devotional with Calvary Chapel Pastors’ Wives”, “Some Of My Best Friend is Doing Life.”, " The commentary of Jonah: and "The Commentary of Ruth", "The Pastoral Epistles", From Darkness to Light", and The Wayward, the prodigal.