Hannah’s Helpers ministry supports foster children and their families. We strive to live out James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world”.

Hannah’s helpers has four pillars:

  1. Raise awareness for foster children in need.

  2. Support foster children.

  3. Help support foster parents.

  4. Recruit more foster parents. 

Hannah’s Helpers supports local foster organizations, families, foster Christian camps, and orphanages in Mexico. Learn more of our ministry from Calvary Chapel Magazine.


Second Sunday of the month in the high school boardroom at 12:30pm.


Help A Child In Need   

Saturday, April 23, 2022  |  9A-12P  

If you want information on becoming a foster parent or to find out other ways you can help foster children, come join us in the South Sanctuary. There are over 30,000 foster children in Los Angeles County that need help. Everyone can do something to help. You can be the answer to a child’s prayers. 


Find out what ways you can help today.

PAINT MORNING March 26, 2022


All money raised is being sent to orphanages in Mexico.